Is Yanfei almost as good as Klee in Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact has many unique characters to choose from, and the benefits that they bring to a team can be invaluable. Pyro is one of the strongest elements in Genshin Impact, making a strong Pyro DPS something that most players will want to have.
Yanfei is the newest character to be added to Genshin Impact, and as a Pyro 4-star, she naturally falls into the category of Pyro DPS, but there is a catch. Yanfei wields a Catalyst, meaning that she shares her element and weapon with Klee, one of Genshin Impact’s strongest characters. Players can read here to see how the two compare.
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Is Yanfei almost as good as Klee in Genshin Impact?
With Klee and Yanfei sharing a weapon type and element in Genshin impact, it is obvious that there is some overlap in their usage and playstyle. Players who have invested heavily into Klee may be wondering if Yanfei is worth the investment as well, while other players may be wondering if Yanfei can be a “budget” Klee replacement in Genshin Impact.
Many Genshin Impact players have run tests comparing the two characters, and while it seems that Klee still reigns supreme in the Pyro Catalyst category for pure damage, Yanfei doesn’t fall too far behind.
Klee Pros and Cons:
Klee has her obvious strengths in her incredible AOE damage and powerful charged attacks, making her stand out in this Genshin Impact comparison, though her status as a 5-star character gives her a unique style of attack that no other catalyst user shares.
Klee’s Elemental Skill, Jumpty Dumpty, creates a large ball that bounces several times dealing damage to enemies before exploding into many mines that will explode on contact. Her Elemental Burst is Sparks n’ Splash, an ability that will passively create explosions on enemies after activation, dealing AOE Pyro damage.
- Klee has huge AOE on all of her abilities, including her Elemental Skill and Burst
- Klee’s damage modifiers are much higher than Yanfei’s on her Normal Attacks
- Klee’s attacks deal heavy damage to Geo Shields
- Has a kit that synergizes better with the Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set
- Klee gains more Pyro Damage from Ascension
- Klee can be hard to use properly for some players due to her small size and attack range
- Klee uses more Stamina than Yanfei on average
- Klee’s DPS takes longer due to multiple instances of damage
- Attacks have a fixed range, meaning players will have to get close to enemies to deal maximum damage
Overall, Klee brings more utility and damage to the table than Yanfei, but her playstyle may be tricky for players to get used to.
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Yanfei Pros and Cons:
Yanfei brings solid performance to a Genshin Impact team by utilizing her strong Charged Attacks and bursts of damage with her Elemental Skill and Burst. While she may not do damage as quickly as Klee, her stacking passive allows for her to deal more damage while using less stamina.
Yanfei’s abilities in Genshin Impact are her Elemental Skill, Signed Edict that creates a small explosion of Pyro damage directly on top of an enemy and grants Yanfei max stacks of her Charged Attack, and Done Deal, a large burst of Pyro damage surrounding Yanfei that also causes her Charged Attacks to deal up to 44% more damage at level 6.
- Yanfei has a homing effect on her Normal Attacks similar to Ningguang, making it easier to battle from range
- Yanfei’s Ascension Talent provides her with bonus Pyro damage, giving her a small advantage over Klee in Elemental Damage
- Yanfei edges Klee out in pure Charged Attack Damage when her Elemental Burst is active, allowing players to deal a large amount of damage in a single attack
- Yanfei’s consistent damage is lower than Klee’s due to her requiring max stacks to deal her large burst
- Yanfei’s Normal Attacks have low modifiers, making her struggle to deal damage until her Charged Attack is ready
- Yanfei has overall lower numbers than Klee due to her being a 4-star
- Yanfei’s strongest passive is locked behind her first constellation, making her stamina usage also difficult to manage
Yanfei can definitely hold her own in a matchup against Klee, and the two Pyro Catalyst users both deal significant amounts of damage. While Yanfei is more akin to Pyro Element Ningguang in playstyle, she can definitely be used as a “budget” replacement for players who do not have Klee.
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