MrBeast’s ex-Editor Matt Turner accuses him of work place toxicity but the Internet has a different opinion
Philanthropist and YouTuber Jimmy “MrBeast” Donaldson has been accused of bullying and creating workplace toxicity by multiple former employees.
Recently, the New York Times talked to 11 former MrBeast employees who alleged that MrBeast often creates a difficult work environment. The employees claimed that while MrBeast is generous like his videos show him to be, his off-the-camera demeanor is vastly different.

Matt Turner, a video editor who earlier worked with MrBeast, claimed in October 2019 that MrBeast berated him almost every day. While the internet is seemingly divided on the matter, his former employees also talked about the death threats and hateful comments that they regularly received from MrBeast’s fans.
So I read the @MrBeast article and they mention 11 people were interview, 4 of 11 wished to stay anonymous due to NDA’s and yet the only 2 they talk about is Turner and Anderson (who only worked 1 week). So 7 people and @TaylorLorenz picked the two worst sources to highlight?
— JessKa (@JesskaPizzle) May 6, 2021
MrBeast gets accused of bullying and workplace toxicity by multiple former employees
In early October 2019, Matt Turner posted a series of tweets alleging that MrBeast bullied and abused him. He said he was berated for every mistake and claimed that MrBeast never allowed him to be given credit for his work.
This was his statement:
“That was the most mentally draining time of my life. I was yelled at, bullied, called mentally retarded and replaceable by MrBeast every day. Being in tears and having mental breakdowns day after day is difficult, and after a while became too much. After every editing mistake I made, I was made to feel like an absolute idiot, even if the content wasn’t real. No credit was given unless a video I edited got credited to someone else.”

MrBeast had later responded to the allegations and claimed that he paid Turner a severance of $10,000 and also got him a job at SoaR Gaming. Regardless, in a recent interview with New York Times, Matt Turned had similar things to say. He claimed that working for MrBeast meant that he did not receive credit for most of his work.
Another former editor, Nate Anderson, worked for MrBeast in March 2018 and quit after a week due to what he said were “unreasonable demands.” Anderson called MrBeast a perfectionist, while Turner said that his fans are mostly kids and part of a “YouTube cult.”
The editor also spoke about receiving death threats and hateful comments from MrBeast’s fans.
“These kids don’t even know what they’re saying. They’re just in this cult of YouTube stardom where they don’t want to see their biggest creator fall.”
Ok defamation noodles the same article mentions turner mr beast x editor he’s been debunked before get a life
— penis (@penis26493272) May 6, 2021
Look into Max Turner, the person Taylor interviewed; his claims have been proven false by not only by Mr. Beast but many youtubers when he made a video about his experience working with Jimmy in 2018.
— AlexanderHaag (@AlexanderHaag14) May 6, 2021
@TaylorLorenz you say that you have 11 people coming out about mrbeast but you only show 2 of them, also Matt Turner LIED in his response because he literally made a video saying it was a great work place you “journalists” are the reason you guys are unreliable
— YouAllAreDumb69 (@YDumb69) May 8, 2021
the editor i think his name is turner i forgot got into “drama” like a year ago about beast firing him but everybody figured out it was fake or something like that and a while after he started milking mrbeast on his thumbnails for views. Would not trust em.
— Leftovers (@Nicolas02158422) May 6, 2021
— EtiThaPro (@etiisgod) May 6, 2021
Now ur going after mrbeast fandom cuz u couldn’t cancel him? Hmm . Turner was proven false ,idk about the nate guy but what u brought has criticism is very weak if not nothing. “Mrbeast is a profectist” we’re talking about a guy who didn’t post videos that caused million of –
— milite forti (daddy zhongli) (@knightofevil25) May 7, 2021
Turner was given FREE RENT, and 10K AFTER being let go, and even made a video PRASING Mr. Beast, and said the decision to leave was mutual but he enjoyed his time working there.
This is clearly a hit piece, or Turner is now lying to gain clout. This is Obvious bullshit.(1/2)
— Ryan Faulk (@_HeroesUnite) May 7, 2021
That nigga Matt Turner legit trying to come back and cancel MrBeast for a second time. Dude just shut the fuck up already. You got exposed for lying once so don’t risk it again and just shut up.
— GAZZILLION GRAND (@Mr115New) May 7, 2021
MrBeast has not issued any sort of response to the former employees in question so far. As can be seen in the tweets, the internet seems to be divided on the matter. His fans have dug up evidence of Matt Turner earlier, praising MrBeast and calling his job a “dream job.”
What did you want Philly to do? Turner said nice things to Mr Beast for clout. But then goes on to trash him. Should Philly trust something like that. I wouldn’t. You just bandwagon shit at that point. Also he doesn’t have evidence from other employees so he can’t comment on that
— Kovin of Tsushima (@Kovin_not_Kevin) May 6, 2021
Mr. Beast has been accused by former editors of creating a toxic work environment. Matt Turner, a former editor, took to Twitter and YouTube to document his unpleasant experiences with the Youtube personality.
— InformOverload (@InformOverload) May 5, 2021
An employee. In your own words, Akash Rathod is a college-aged Mr. Beast fan. And all he said was that Beast should acknowledge some of the toxicity present in his fanbase. The only remaining direct quote was Turner, and his accusations clearly represented the largest (3/4)
— Jay | Versa Jae (@Versa_Jae) May 6, 2021
YOUTUBE ARCHEOLOGY: MrBeast’s former editor Matt Turner describes job in 2019 video. Matt says it was dream job, adding “If you have the opportunity to get this job … totally take it.” This as Matt recently told NYTimes that MrBeast allegedly berated him
— Def Noodles (@defnoodles) May 5, 2021
Ninja wasn’t the running the event . Therefore , he is not eligible to throw shade at anyone and mr beast said that he wasn’t mad at turner
— Myth -;- (@alee_jaffrey) April 26, 2020
Why are there so many people attacking turner about mr beast hating on him that he is only doing it for the clout when you got all these hater that don’t even know him other then his videos I honestly think these people are delusional and don’t know anything about him .
— Christian/Thermals 熱學 (@Thermalsss) October 7, 2020
If you work with Mr beast in the past someone out there that has … should stand up for Turner or any editor/Videographer should stop harassing Turners channel cause these dislikes are ridiculous same with the comments and deserves a platform .
— Christian/Thermals 熱學 (@Thermalsss) October 12, 2020
You mr beast fans are straight annoying this man turner deserves respect why does it matter if he bring up mr beast name and assume that he doing it for clout . Also as well it his decision if he wants to talk about mr beast .Every single person acts like they know him very well
— Christian/Thermals 熱學 (@Thermalsss) October 12, 2020
Others supported the former editor and said that they believed Matt Turner and the accusations that he levied against the YouTuber.
#MrBeasts #exEditor #Matt #Turner #accuses #work #place #toxicity #Internet #opinion