How to get free Persia Prowess bundle in Free Fire through Ramadan event

How to get free Persia Prowess bundle in Free Fire through Ramadan event

How to get free Persia Prowess bundle in Free Fire through Ramadan event

Garena launched the Ramadan event in Free Fire on May 6th. The event gives players a chance to obtain a variety of characters, bundles, weapon skins and other items.

As part of the celebrations, another sub-event called “Play It Forward” was released in the game. The sub-event will be available from May 6th to May 16th, and its main reward is the Persia Prowess female bundle.

This article provides a guide on how players can acquire the Persia Prowess bundle in Free Fire.

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Free Persia Prowess bundle in Free Fire’s Ramadan event

During the “Play It Forward” event, players can get a reward every day by simply logging in to Free Fire.

The Play It Forward event in Free Fire
The Play It Forward event in Free Fire

Players can also send a reward to their friends by sharing a link/code. When a player enters the event lobby, they will see yellow and red lamps in the middle of the screen.

Players will find a “Send Gift To Your Friend” button just below the red lamp. If they click on this button, a code will appear on the screen.

Players can share the code through Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Once the recipient clicks on the link shared, they will be able to claim the sent reward. The player who sends the reward will then get 1 share in their account.

To obtain the Persia Prowess bundle, players must accumulate eight shares. It is crucial to note that the redemption for the bundle will only be made available on May 13.

If the players do not have sufficient shares, they can use 3 Lemang tokens for each missing share
If the players do not have sufficient shares, they can use 3 Lemang tokens for each missing share

If a player does not have the required amount of shares, they will have to utilize 3 Lemang Tokens for each missing share.

As per the event calendar, the collection of Lemang Tokens will begin tomorrow, i.e., May 8th, and players will have to complete various missions to obtain them.

Players can follow these steps to access the new “Play It Forward” event in Free Fire:

Step 1: Players must open Free Fire and click on the “Calendar” (event) icon present on the right side of the screen.

Step 2: They should then navigate through the “EID 2021” tab and click on the “Play It Forward” section.

Click on the
Click on the “GO TO” button

Step 3: Players should click on the “GO TO” button to access the event.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh

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