How can I learn programming on my own?

How can I learn programming on my own?

Are you a person who aims for freedom and flexibility to learn to program on your own? If you want to be an independent learner of programming, there are plenty of creative ways available. The following list can give you the rundown on the genuine resources available for learning. Yes, you can achieve the goals by following the below suggestions. 

  1. Online resources

A self-taught programmer may depend a lot on online resources for his learning programming. You can select flexible online courses that are compatible with your pace by careful choice. The below coding courses may help you. The courses like 

  •  Codecademy, 
  • The Odin Project,
  •  freeCodeCamp, 
  • App Academy Open

The above are some of the few courses that suit your expectations. You can filter as per your expectations by going through them. Tick the best one from the list to learn on your own.

  1. Books

Yet another valuable resource for learning programming is reading quality books written by experienced people or experts. The programming books enhance your knowledge and skills to a great extent. Books provide you with an exact reference to what you are looking at. However, your efforts are required to cope with your expectations. For all programming concepts, books are the perfect material for you. Books teach you a lot if you have the interest and passion.

A programmer must have a strong foundation in the basic concepts of programming. Hence, programming books satiate the demand of the learner to the core. However, it is not at all a bad idea to crack a book for your self-learning. Instead, books develop your knowledge and understanding power if you spend time. 

Every programmer must have the following books without fail.

  1. The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt & David Thomas
  2. The Complete Software Developer’s Guide written by John Sonmez
  3. The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth

The above books help a self-learner a lot in the field of programming. Not only are these books are best, but there are also many more resources available to satisfy your thirst. So, you can learn independently with the help of quality books.

  1. Start small

Do not start with big data to learn to program. Instead, go with simple or basic programming concepts for your learning. Yes, you can become an expert gradually, and not by a single leap. Be thorough with basic coding exercises so you can master the subject afterwards. Lay a strong foundation by learning basic or raw coding concepts with the help of available sources by you. This move gives you many benefits, which you will understand later.

  1. Support system helps you a lot

Self-learning is a great idea to learn to program. However, you need to have a support system that tracks your progress in programming. You can join with like-minded people for your success or goals at the end. Self-taught people have a higher level of confidence, and so you can evaluate your knowledge with the help of a support system which you like.

Final thoughts

You can avail the best programming help by following the above suggestions. All the best