How to find Silver in Subnautica: Below Zero
Subnautica: Below Zero offers players plenty of resources; they just have to find the right ones.
The underwater environment of the game is absolutely incredible. It can be distracting from how truly troublesome the world of Subnautica: Below Zero is in reality.

Surviving is the name of the game. In order to survive, players need to locate and gather items to create tools and equipment. Silver is one of those extremely important materials that players need to obtain.
How to find Silver in Subnautica: Below Zero

To find Silver Ore, Subnautica: Below Zero players need to keep their eyes peeled for Argentite Outcrops. This is a harvesting node that contains both Silver Ore and Titanium.
Rocks may also contain Silver Ore, albeit rare. In addition to Silver Ore and Titanium, Rocks can give Copper Ore and Gold.

Breaking these harvesting nodes will reveal if Silver Ore is inside them. Knowing the right location is key, as certain areas will ensure Silver Ore is found within Argentite Outcrops or Rocks.
Ore Veins, Large Resource Deposits, and Sea Monkeys can also provide a Subnautica: Below Zero player with ore. The following biomes are where Silver Ore can be found:
- Artic Kelp Caves
- Artic Kelp Forest
- Arctic Spires
- Crystal Caves
- Fabricator Caverns
- Glacial Basin
- Glacial Bay
- Glacial Connection
- Koppa Mining Site
- Lilypad Islands
- Shallow Twisty Bridges
- Thermal Spires
- Thermal Spires Caves
- Tree Spires
- Twisty Bridges
- Twisty Bridges Caves
- West Arctic

The Koppa Mining Site and Arctic Spires are where plentiful large resource deposits with Silver Ore can be located. Glacial Basin and Glacial Bay are where Ore Veins are scattered about.
Be sure to head to all of these areas in Subnautica: Below Zero when the opportunity arises. Silver Ore is an essential resource when it comes to various electrical items.
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