How to get the treasure from the grave

How to get the treasure from the grave

How to get the treasure from the grave

Resident Evil Village has a lot of exciting little quests for players. One such quest requires players to get a treasure from the Beneviento Grave. While the quest isn’t difficult in itself, players may face difficulty in locating the spots to execute the grave.

Resident Evil Beneviento Grave Quest will be triggered only after the House Beneviento mission.

How to get the treasure in the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest?

As mentioned before, this quest will trigger after the House Beneviento mission. Players will be able to access this on their third visit to the village in Resident Evil Village.

The broken slab for the quest can be found inside this structure in the graveyard. Image via YouTube (Gamerpillar)
The broken slab for the quest can be found inside this structure in the graveyard. Image via YouTube (Gamerpillar)

To get their hands on the treasure, players will first need to locate a broken slab in the graveyard. This broken slab is located inside a small mausoleum-like structure that is behind two grave stones towards one edge of the graveyard. Players can find this structure towards the right wall of the graveyard, right after entering the area from the iron gates.

The broken slab has Claudia written on it. Once they’ve managed to acquire this slab, they can move on to the second half of the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest.

The treasure location for the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest. Image via YouTube (Gamepillar)
The treasure location for the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest. Image via YouTube (Gamepillar)

The second part of the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest requires people to find the treasure. The Beneviento treasure is located towards the west of the garden. There’s a mini boss here that the players will have to defeat before getting their hands on the treasure.

The mini boss wields an ax that players need to be wary of. Just like the Lady Dimitrescu boss fight, shotguns prove to be a useful weapon in this fight as well.

Once they’ve defeated the miniboss, players will need to approach the gravestone that’s right in the center of the fight area. Players will need to place the broken slab on the grave, and it will end up revealing the treasure located inside it. The treasure happens to be Berengario’s Chalice.

This is how players can complete the Resident Evil Beneviento Grave quest. The mission is not that difficult to complete, but the miniboss players encounter towards the end of the mission is a pure bullet sponge. So players will need to make sure they’ve stocked up on enough ammo before heading into battle.

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