Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health| Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health, Nimrit Kaur Depression, Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia, Nimrit kaur Ahluwalia on Mental Health, Nimrat Ahluwalia Opens up on Mental He

Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health| Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia Mental Health, Nimrit Kaur Depression, Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia, Nimrit kaur Ahluwalia on Mental Health, Nimrat Ahluwalia Opens up on Mental He

Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia

Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia&nbsp


  • Choti Sarrdaarni actress Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia posted on mental health on social media.
  • Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia told that she could not sleep through the night.
  • According to Nimrat Kaur, she took a break from work because of this.

Mumbai. TV serial Choti Sarrdaarni actress Nimrat Kaur Ahluwalia made revelations about her mental health on social media recently. Nimrat now told in an interview that she could not sleep through the night. Apart from this, he had taken more medicines than the limit.

In a conversation with E-Times, Nimrat said, ‘Initially I thought that this is happening due to imbalance of hormones, so I consulted my doctor. But, it didn’t help me. After that I went to the psychologist. He told me that I was very tired and stressed. He advised me to take a break from work. On the advice of the doctor, I stayed in the hospital for two days. I took a 40-day break from the show. I had come to stay with my parents for the next few days.

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could not sleep all night
Nimrat further says, ‘In the first 15 days I had taken too many medicines, I could not sleep throughout the night. I sleep, eat and then go to sleep. I would sit and cry for no reason. This was my daily routine due to mood swings, while my mother used to stay with me. I was afraid of water. I listened to songs, read books and coloured. It helped me refine myself once again.

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took a break from social media
Nimrat further says, ‘I talked again with my college friends. Apart from this, I took a deliberate break from social media, which was necessary for my mental health. I knew it was necessary to talk about these issues. Those who have problems with mental health should openly put forward their point of view.

According to the actress, ‘Those who are struggling with this thing should not be looked at with the wrong eyes, but they should be consoled. It’s okay to feel bad sometimes in life, but it’s not okay to hide it. That’s why I wrote about it on social media.

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