Alok Nath Birthday, Alok Nath net worth property and fees, Alok Nath property, Alok Nath fees, alok nath lesser known facts, alok nath controversy

Alok Nath Birthday, Alok Nath net worth property and fees, Alok Nath property, Alok Nath fees, alok nath lesser known facts, alok nath controversy

Alok Nath Net worth

Alok Nath Net worth &nbsp


  • Today (July 10) is the 65th birthday of famous actor Alok Nath.
  • He was born on this day in the year 1956 in Khagaria, Bihar.
  • Alok Nath made his acting debut in the year 1980 with the serial Rishtey Nate.

Alok Nath Birthday know his net worth property and fees : Today (July 10) is the 65th birthday of actor Alok Nath, popularly known as Sanskari Babuji in Bollywood. He was born on this day in the year 1956 in Khagaria, Bihar. Alok Nath’s father was a doctor and mother was a teacher. In the house far and wide, no one was concerned with films or acting. Alok Nath had the passion to become an actor only on his head. Alok Nath, who has worked in more than 100 films and more than 30 TV serials, made his place in the cinema world with a lot of hard work.

Coming from a normal family, Alok Nath made a lot of wealth on the strength of hard work and today he lives a luxury life. Alok Nath made his acting debut in the year 1980 with the serial Rishtey Nate. He got the role of Babu ji in this serial. After that in the year 1982, he started his career in films with the Hollywood film Gandhi. He played the role of Tyeb Mohammad in this film. Alok Nath had told that he had received 20 thousand rupees for this film.

Alok Nath First Salary

According to Alok Nath, at that time we used to get 60 rupees for doing theatre. I told the makers that you should give something around 100 rupees. Finally told me that the deal is done in 20. When I heard 20 thousand rupees, I was stunned. When she returned home, her mother said that your father does not get even 10 thousand rupees in a year. Alok Nath took such a flight of career that there was no looking back.

Media reports claim that today Alok Nath is the owner of property worth more than 75 crores. Alok Nath charges 40 to 50 lakh rupees for a film. He puts power in whatever film he is in. He has many expensive cars.

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After MeToo, the credibility fell (Alok Nath Metoo Case)

In the year 2018, under Me Too, Alok Nath was accused by a filmmaker. Apart from this, an actress also made similar allegations against him. The actress had said that Alok Nath used to harass women by drinking alcohol. However, Alok Nath had called these allegations completely baseless. He was accused of exploitation by Vinta Nanda and Sandhya Mridul.

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