5 streamers who forgot they were on live stream

5 streamers who forgot they were on live stream

5 streamers who forgot they were on live stream

Twitch streamers/YouTubers have always shown a tendency to make mistakes during live streams.

There is a range of hilarious and sometimes serious mistakes that streamers end up committing. These mistakes are more often than not noticed by viewers, which is more accurate for the more popular streamers on these platforms.

One of the most common mistakes that streamers tend to make is simply forgetting the fact that they are live. Such mistakes might be due to many reasons, and more often than not, result in some hilarious incidents.

5 times popular streamers forgot that they were live

#1 – Ninja

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is still one of the most recognizable gamers in the industry. The Fortnite star’s long and illustrious career is still going strong, as he only recently won the “Favorite Male Social Star” award at the 2021 Kids’ Choice Awards.

Regardless, Ninja has forgotten to switch off his stream multiple times.

The first time it happened was when the streamer accidentally started broadcasting early in the morning. Ninja looked like he had been crying for hours but later revealed that it was only due to a hangover that he looked like that.

Another time, the Fortnite icon had gone live without realizing again, and viewers could see Ninja greeting his wife, Jessica Blevins, and her friend. Jessica even felt her husband’s “backside” in front of his viewers, as seen in the clip below (starting at the 6:06 mark).

#2 – Tfue

Turner “Tfue” Tenney is another streamer who initially gained fame due to his Fortnite content. He was considered to be one of the best players in the world for quite some time.

The incident that resulted in his inclusion in this list is perhaps the most hilarious as well.

Once, Tfue was under the impression that he had switched off his camera. The online star had been gaming for hours and was done for the day. He went off-camera to grab a bite and returned after a while, shirtless.

The 23-year-old quickly realized his mistake and turned the stream off, leaving his viewers with the following message:

“Hi, later, guys! Peace out, dudes!”

#3 – Pokimane

One of the most popular female content creators around, Imane “Pokimane” Anys has come a long way in the last year or so. The streamer was involved in multiple controversies in 2020 but has formed a close association with her “Among Us” friends.

The 25-year-old also once forgot to switch off her stream. The broadcaster was in her living room with a group of friends. She had forgotten to go offline, and fans were viewing the entire get-together.

Pokimane eventually bent down in front of the camera to pick up her cat. It was only then that the streamer realized that she was live. The Moroccan-Canadian YouTuber told her friends, laughed the incident off, and proceeded to switch off the stream, as can be seen in the clip.

#4 – Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg is a popular streamer as well, although his fame is due to entirely different reasons. The American rapper/actor only began broadcasting regularly in the second half of 2020 and currently has around 366k followers on Twitch.

During an NFL Madden stream, he ended up rage-quitting after only 15 minutes of streaming and walked away. The issue was that Snoop Dogg had forgotten to switch off his live stream.

The 49-year-old returned after eight long hours and had his phone and a drink in his hand. He stared at the screen for a few long seconds before eventually realizing that he had been online all this while!

#5 – T-Pain

Another streamer who grew to fame due to his music content, T-Pain, has 592k followers on Twitch. Apart from streaming music-related content, he plays a range of games, including the likes of COD: Warzone, Hitman 2, and Overwatch.

The rapper blissfully working without realizing his mistake (Image via T-Pain)
The rapper blissfully working without realizing his mistake (Image via T-Pain)

During one of his streams, T-Pain forgot to go offline when he was done. However, unlike most of the incidents mentioned in the list, the rapper did not do anything funny. Instead, he ended up doing work without realizing that his viewers could still see him.

T-Pain only realized his mistake when some of his friends called him and told him that he was still live.

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