Ganpati special trains List| Ganpati Special Trains: 72 ‘Ganpati Special Trains’ will run during Ganesh Chaturthi festival, know full list, 72 Ganpati special trains Will run by Central Railway check full list here

Ganpati special trains List|  Ganpati Special Trains: 72 ‘Ganpati Special Trains’ will run during Ganesh Chaturthi festival, know full list, 72 Ganpati special trains Will run by Central Railway check full list here

Ganpati special trains List| Ganpati Special Trains: 72 ‘Ganpati Special Trains’ will run during Ganesh Chaturthi festival, know full list, 72 Ganpati special trains Will run by Central Railway check full list here


These trains will bring great convenience to the passengers&nbsp


  • Central Railway is going to run 72 ‘Ganpati Special Trains’
  • These trains will have one AC-2 tier, 4 AC-3 tier, 11 sleeper class, 6 second class seating.
  • This year Ganesh Chaturthi festival is starting from 10th September.

New Delhi: Central Railway is going to run Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT)72 special trains to clear the extra rush of passengers during Ganpati Utsav 2021, all these special trains have one AC-2 tier, four AC There will be 3 tier, 11 sleeper class, 6 second class seating composition.

This year, the 10-day long Ganesh Chaturthi festival is starting from September 10.

Check the list of trains here:-

01227 Special will leave Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 00.20 hrs everyday from 05 Sep 2021 to 22 Sep 2021 and arrive Sawantwadi Road at 14.00 hrs on the same day.

01228 special train will leave Sawantwadi Road at 14.40 hrs everyday from 5th September 2021 to 22nd September 2021 and will arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 04.35 hrs the next day, Halt Dadar, Thane, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chilpun, Sawarda, Aravalli Road , Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilavade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Nandgaon Road, Sindhudurg and Kudal.

CSMT-Ratnagiri bi-weekly special will do 10 such trips

01229 bi-weekly special will leave Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 13.10 hrs on every Monday & Friday from 6th September, 2021 to 20th September, 2021 and arrive Ratnagiri at 22.35 hrs on the same day.

01230 bi-weekly special will leave Ratnagiri at 23.30 hrs on every Sunday & Thursday from 9th September, 2021 to 23rd September, 2021 and arrive Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 08.20 hrs the next day, Dadar, Thane (within 01229 only). for Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chilpun, Savarda, Aravalli Road, and Sangameshwar Road, Panvel-Sawantwadi Road tri-weekly special 16 such trips.

01231 tri-weekly special train will leave Panvel at 08.00 hrs on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7th September, 2021 to 22nd September, 2021 and will arrive Sawantwadi Road at 20.00 hrs on the same day.

01232 Tri-Weekly Special will leave Sawantwadi Road at 20.45 hrs on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7th September, 2021 to 22nd September, 2021 and arrive Panvel at 07.10 hrs the next day. The halts will be at Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chilpun, Savarda, Aravali Road, Sangameshwar Road, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilavade, Rajapur Road, Vaibhavwadi Road, Kankavali, Nandgaon Road, Sindhudurg and Kudal.

Panvel-Ratnagiri Bi-weekly Special will run 10 rounds

01233 bi-weekly special will leave Panvel at 08.00 hrs on every Thursday and Sunday from 9th September, 2021 to 23rd September, 2021 and arrive Ratnagiri at 15.40 hrs on the same day.

01234 bi-weekly special will leave Ratnagiri at 23.30 hrs on every Monday and Friday from 6th September, 2021 to 20th September, 2021 and arrive Panvel at 06.00 hrs the next day. There will be halts at Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chilpun, Savarda, Aravali Road and Sangameshwar Road.

Composition of all these specials: One AC-2 Tier, Four AC-3 Tier, 11 Sleeper Class, 6-Second Class Seating.

Reservation: Booking for these special trains on special charges will start from 08.7.2021 at all PRS centers and website It is to be noted that only passengers with confirmed tickets will be allowed to board these special trains following all norms on boarding, travel and destination, SOPs related to COVID19.

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