Ninja feels that Sett and Katarina will be best League of Legends champions for Smash Ultimate

Ninja feels that Sett and Katarina will be best League of Legends champions for Smash Ultimate

Ninja feels that Sett and Katarina will be best League of Legends champions for Smash Ultimate

In his latest stream, Twitch personality Tyler “Ninja” Blevins opened up about the League of Legends champions he might like to see in Smash Ultimate.

Smash Ultimate has grown to be one of the most popular fighting games in esports. This is majorly due to the robust roster of some of the best video game characters that it boasts.

And as the Smash Ultimate roster is constantly growing, it’s fun to fancy a scenario when the game starts including League of Legends characters.

Riot Games’ League of Legends has over 150 champions at the moment, and some do indeed boast a kit that would be perfect for fighting games. Coincidentally, the publisher is also working on a League of Legends-based fighting game called Project L. However, when that officially has a beta launch is not yet confirmed.

So before the fighting game officially comes out, League of Legends fans have been wondering how well a champion from the MOBA will fair in a 2D fighting game.

Ninja votes League of Legends’ Sett and Katarina for Smash Bros

Over the past couple of months, Ninja has been streaming a lot of League of Legends on his channel. No matter how frustrated he is with the game, he still comes back to it.

So, during one of his recent streams, a person in the chat wrote (which Ninja later read aloud):

“I had a dream last night that Ezreal was added into Smash Bros. Do you have a League champ you’d want to see?”

Ninja was a bit confused at first, as he was trying to figure out how Ezreal would fit into Smash Bros. And though he felt that the champion might be the perfect fit for the fighter, he, later on, changed his opinion and said:

“Maybe not. Because he only has his Mystic Shot. So, what would his melee moves look like?”

Pondering on the matter even further, the Fortnite icon finally came up with League of Legends’ Sett and Katarina as the two best choices for Smash Bros:

“Sett! I think Sett would probably be a perfect addition. Katarina would probably be cool. Meleeing and her knives and her spins.”

When it comes to their Smash Ultimate roster, there is hardly any representation of popular MOBA’s inside it. Hence, it’s pretty exciting to think of a situation where a League of Legends champion is in the game.

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