Know All About How to Trade in Pokemon Go

Know All About How to Trade in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go has been available for a while now and puts all the enjoyment of Pokemon on a smartphone. In order to become an ideal Pokemon Expert, users can hunt for something and acquire new Pokemon, in addition to challenging other users’ Pokemon in competitions and gyms. In Pokemon Go, gamer can perform additional tasks and objectives to win special rewards. Participants are very interested in how to trade in Pokemon Go.


You Need to Know How to Trade in Pokemon Go

In the Pokemon game, the Pokemon Gameboys collection, and currently in Pokemon Go, trade has emerged as a significant part. The user can trade with buddies to exchange Pokémon and add to their Pokédex by trade. The player must be proximate to their friends in order to exchange Pokémon since it is done personally and genuinely.

Regarding how to trade in Pokemon Go, several gamers have inquired. The player and their partner must expend Stardust for each exchange. The number of Stardust necessary differs depending on the Pokémon. Mythical, dazzling, or fantastic Pokemon will price more Stardust than regular Pokemon. By enhancing the level of connection between themselves and their largest trade partner, gamers can decrease the cost of a Pokemon exchange.

how to trade in pokemon go


  • Connect to your Trainer Account in Map View.
  • To reach your Contact List, click the Partners option at the beginning of the screen.
  • To exchange Pokémon, click on the trainer you choose.
  • To reach the trading screen, click the Trade icon.


You may choose a Pokémon to exchange whenever your partner enters the trading range. Obviously, you will be allowed to look at the Pokémon’s features before picking them. Take this into consideration because when you exchange, the CP, HP, and other metrics are altered. The current CP and HP of the Pokémon will be presented as a spectrum.


After selecting a Pokémon to exchange by you and your buddy, a verification button will start showing up. The number of Stardust necessary for the exchange will start showing up near the option. You could also check how much candy you have earned via trade. The quantity of candy you receive depends on how far apart the two Pokémon were acquired. Extra candy is accessible the farther distant it is.


Special Trades

The Pokemon Go Special Trades section contains Pokemon that will need more Stardust than many others. The variety of Pokemon which would require unique trades is mentioned below:

  • Pokémon not already in your Pokédex
  • Legendary Pokémon
  • Ultra Beasts
  • Shiny Pokémon
  • Pokémon with forms not already in the gamer’s Pokédex (like Unown, costumed Pikachu, and Castform)


Users must adhere to various rules when gamers think about how to trade in Pokemon Go. Read out the trading rules for Pokemon GO elsewhere here:

Trainers must be Level 10 or higher in order to make trades:

  • Some Pokémon are not tradeable. It isn’t possible to trade legendary Pokémon or Pokémon that have already been changed once.
how to trade in pokemon go
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Trade Gifts with Pokemon Go Friends to Raise your Friendship Level

But it’s not simply a process of adding an individual as a Pokemon Go companion. You can improve your friendship ranks by exchanging, jointly exchanging, engaging in raiding or gym challenges, or giving gifts.

You have an opportunity to win a Gift that you could give to anybody on your contacts network each time you stop by a PokeStop. Such presents include practical items such PokeBalls and potions as well as eggs that will ultimately hatch into distinct Pokemon. Just one gift per friend per day may be sent while doing so improves your trainer experience.

The incredible thing is that, as long as both of you are Trainers Level 10 or higher, you must be Good Buddies to execute trades, and you can achieve this rank by sending one another gifts.

Nevertheless, you should raise your relationship level to at minimum Excellent Friends if you intend to exchange for how to trade in Pokemon Go that you have still not acquired.

You receive many essential benefits by raising your connection level with someone else. You may fight at gyms or in raiding with buddies when your level is Best Mates or higher, receiving strike bonuses and raiding rewards. Get giving because all those advantages only expand as your connection status does.

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Pokemon Go Trading Costs

The price of trading in Pokemon Go is really quite complicated. Each trade would charge you Stardust, and the amount you’ll be charged will vary depending on the Pokemon you’re genuinely trading (Regular vs. Special deals), if you’ve recently acquired it personally, your acquaintance status with the other player, and much more.

Essentially, ensure that you prepare beforehand if you would like to exchange Achievement rewards that you do not now own in order to obtain the trainer’s trust. Please take a look at the amount of Stardust it costs to exchange a Legendary bird with such a Good Friend as compared to a Best Friend.


Pokemon Go Evolution Trades

Although some Pokemon in the base videogames need to be traded in order to make progress, up unless a recent version, Pokemon Go was conspicuously lacking that capability. Furthermore, in addition to candy requirements, any Pokemon that develops through the exchange in the original games has the opportunity to accomplish this in how to trade in Pokemon Go. It goes to both traditional and modern Pokemon; hence, Graveler can now develop into Golem by taking 100 Geodude candies or exchanging them with other trainers. It seems that the newer Pokemon with this functionality requires 200 candies, but the candy needs for the current Pokemon haven’t yet been altered.



When you move up to the subsequent Friendship level, you can save every one of your Special trades. We suggest reaching the top of the Great Friends level before beginning trade if you are the individual who prefers to retain anything. We promise that it will be rewarding despite the amounts of work, patience, concentration, and dedication needed. The challenge of this technique is not considerably more significant than obtaining the large quantities of Stardust necessary for Special exchanges.