Surya Grhan kab tak hai| The first solar eclipse of the year started, by this time you will be able to see the sight of a unique celestial event. solar eclipse 2021 in india: surya grahan timing and surya grahan kab tak rahega

Surya Grhan kab tak hai|  The first solar eclipse of the year started, by this time you will be able to see the sight of a unique celestial event.  solar eclipse 2021 in india: surya grahan timing and surya grahan kab tak rahega

Surya Grhan kab tak hai| The first solar eclipse of the year started, by this time you will be able to see the sight of a unique celestial event. solar eclipse 2021 in india: surya grahan timing and surya grahan kab tak rahega

solar eclipse 2021 in india: surya grahan timing and surya grahan kab tak rahega

Solar eclipse starts, till this time you will be able to see the sight of celestial event&nbsp


  • The first solar eclipse of the year has begun
  • Sutak period of solar eclipse is not valid this time
  • You will get a chance to see amazing view in the sky from only two places in India

New Delhi: The first solar eclipse of the year has taken place in the country on the day of Jyeshtha Amavasya. Although this eclipse will be visible in most parts of America, Europe, North Atlantic Ocean and North Asia, but it will be partially visible in some places in India too. People are also taking the help of the Internet to see this celestial event where it is being broadcast live.

eclipse will remain till evening
According to Indian time, this solar eclipse started at 1:42 pm and will last till 6.41 pm. Talking about India, this solar eclipse will be visible in only two places here. According to astrologers, the eclipse is taking place in Taurus and Mhrihashira constellation, which can have positive and negative effects on many zodiac signs. The doors of the temples are closed at the time of the eclipse and after it is over, the deities are worshiped by bathing them with holy water.

People can see eclipse here in India

This solar eclipse is annular. During an annular eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Earth come in a straight line. Talking about India, this celestial phenomenon can be seen here in Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh. The solar eclipse will be visible from around 5:52 pm near Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh and from around 6.15 pm till sunset from the northern part of Ladakh. By 4:52 pm, the Sun will appear like a ring of fire in the sky.

Let us tell you that this year there are two solar eclipses, the first one is on 10th June i.e. today while the second solar eclipse will happen on 4th December 2021. The specialty of that eclipse is also that it will not be visible in India.

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