The Technology Behind Live Casino Gaming

The Technology Behind Live Casino Gaming


2021 was quite an eventful year as many things did happen in the space of 12 months. While we saw the rise of many industries and sectors, we also witnessed the fall of some. The online casino industry and Online Cricket Betting ID Gaming, however, continued to rise in popularity and stock. The covid-19 lockdown even boosted its rise heavily, while the land-based casinos were forced to temporarily shut their doors to control the pandemic. People were left with nothing to do at home, while the lockdown rule was being carried out. All they had was their devices and families.- Live Casino Gaming

However, the pandemic was not the only thing that contributed to the rise of the online casino industry as technological advancement played an immense role in pivoting the industry into becoming one of the most lucrative sectors in the world. For example, one of the biggest issues for online casinos is the fact that watching a virtual roulette wheel or deck of cards from a screen is less exciting than playing it from a land-based casino. But this was solved with the emergence of live casino games that managed to close the gap between the experience of virtual casino games and physical casino games. 

The live casino games employ the use of real human dealers and real interactions can be made during the game. Nowadays, you can easily play the live versions of classic casino games like roulette, baccarat and blackjack.

With the use of cutting-edge technologies, live casinos were specifically developed to offer the best online gambling experience you can get in the virtual world. In this article for Live Casino Gaming, we will be looking at the few technologies that made this into fruition.

OCR Software

This is one of the technologies garnering attention from the world, especially from areas like the processing of data in the medical field. However, it is an important technology in live casinos, as it is used to keep track of the symbols on the cards, the numbers on the roulette wheel and many more. Through the adoption of this technology, information regarding the winners of live casinos will easily be announced without delay.

Game Control Unit (GCU)

This is where everything in live casinos could be said to be connected together. For every table, there is a GCU whose job is to take care of the encoding process to ensure that your live stream will be held as fast as possible with optimum clarity. The video from live casino studios is always being processed and encoded by the GCU. It plays an important role in live casino games as it helps the dealers manage each game incredibly.

The Monitor

On the screen you have access to, you will be able to see online gamers on your monitors. Live casino games have always been developed for two-way interaction. However, the players can sit in another position should they wish to play anonymously or just doesn’t wish to be seen. Through the monitor, you’ll be able to interact with the dealer and all other players in your view, or you can type into a chat box that will be made available.

On the screen, there’s a tracker that helps the dealer keep track of the bets the players have made, and those that should be closed. With the monitor, the dealer can also find out which person is online or went offline.


For live games, cameras will always play an important role in making a broadcast successful. With the evolution of technology over the years, we’ve seen the rise of small powerful cameras that be used to relay live broadcasts. For live roulette games, there are always three powerful cameras; one for an overview, one for the wheel, and the third for the image display. In other live casino games, you might see them employ more than three small powerful cameras at once.

Live casino games intend to achieve the aim of making a gaming experience more organic through the use of technologies, and as it continues to advance over the years, we should expect more innovations that might just blow us away. The popularity of live casinos in the last few years stems from the amazing experience players get from gambling online without leaving their comfort zone.