Strawberry Moon| Strawberry Moon 2021: “Strawberry Moon” will be visible on Thursday, June 24, know important information related to it | Strawberry Moon will be visible on June 24, complete information about it at one place
Strawberry Moon will be seen on June 24, know important information 
- Strawberry Moon will be seen on Thursday, June 24
- Due to being closer to the Earth, it appears bigger and pink in color.
- It is also called Hot Moon or Honey Moon in different parts of the world.
Strawberry Moon News On Thursday, June 24, is the first full moon after the Summer Solstice, and this day is going to be special. We will all be witness to a unique celestial event in the sky because Strawberry Moon will be visible on this day. The moon will appear in the sky in pink color. On this day the moon will be closer to the earth and will appear bigger. This moon that emerges on the full moon day is also known as Hot Moon or Honey Moon in some places.
What is Strawberry Moon
Actually the moon comes closer to the earth in its orbit and the size of the moon appears larger than normal due to the distance being less. Because of this it has been named Strawberry Moon. Strawberry Moon gets its name from American tribes who observed the cultivation of strawberries especially on the full moon day coinciding with the beginning of harvesting. Strawberry Moon is a local American name. In Europe, the Strawberry Moon is called the Rose Moon, which symbolizes the harvesting of roses. In the Northern Hemisphere it is called the Warm Moon, in fact the summer season begins north of the equator.
Strawberry Moon is also known by this name
- blooming moon
- green corn moon
- egg laying moon
- hatching moon
- where moon
- birth moon
- mead moon
Strawberry Moon will not be seen in India
Strawberry Moon will not be able to be seen in India, the reason behind this is that the Moon comes out at 11.15 according to Standard Time. The partial eclipse will start at 11.15 am and will last till 2.35 pm Indian time.
The world became a witness to many astronomical events
The Strawberry Moon appears on the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. Strawberry Moon will be visible for more than a night. If we talk about some recent astronomical events, then we have all witnessed the Super Moon, Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse and then Ring of Fire i.e. Solar Eclipse. According to the Hindu calendar, the Strawberry Moon marks the last full moon of spring and the first full moon of summer.
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